Mahlaza, Zola, Ernest Obbie Zulu, and Lighton Phiri. 2024. “Radiology Report Terminology To Characterise Reports In Southern Africa”. In 17Th International Conference On Metadata And Semantics Research. Milan, Italy: Springer Nature.
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Phiri, Lighton, Ernest Obbie Zulu, Elijah Chileshe, Andrew Shawa, Wilkins Sikazwe, John Mwanza, and Brighton Mwaba. 2024. “User Centred Design And Implementation Of Useful Picture Archiving And Communication Systems For Effective Radiological Workflows In Public Health Facilities In Zambia”. In South African Institute Of Computer Scientists And Information Technologists. South Africa.
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Chileshe, Elijah, Lighton Phiri, and Claytone Sikasote. (2023) 2024. “Evaluating Dicom Compliance For Medical Images In Public Health Facilities In Zambia”. Lusaka: The University of Zambia.
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Chileshe, Elijah, and Lighton Phiri. (2023) 2023. “Large-Scale Analysis Of Medical Image Metadata”. In 2023 Pan African Conference On Science, Computing And Telecommunications (Pact 2023). Lusaka, Zambia: Zambia ICT Journal. https://ictjournal.icict.org.zm/index.php/icict/article/view/277.
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Shawa, Andrew, and Lighton Phiri. (2023) 2023. “Software Tools For Supporting Automatic Interpretation Of Medical Images”. In 2023 Pan African Conference On Science, Computing And Telecommunications (Pact 2023). Lusaka, Zambia: Zambia ICT Journal. https://ictjournal.icict.org.zm/index.php/icict/article/view/278.
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Monde, Austin, Patrick Mwila, Chabu Namwila, and Peter Tembo. (2023) 2023. “Evaluating Free And Open Source Radiology Information System For Automating Workflows At The University Teaching Hospitals - Zambia”. Lusaka, Zambia: University of Zambia.
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Zulu, Ernest Obbie, and Lighton Phiri. (2022) 2022. “Enterprise Medical Imaging For Improved Radiological Workflows: Towards An Interoperable And Standards-Based Medical Imaging Platform In Public Health Facilities In Zambia”. In Zambia Digital Health Conference 2022. Lusaka, Zambia: Ministry of Health. https://www.moh.gov.zm/?wpfb_dl=160.
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Zulu, Ernest Obbie, and Lighton Phiri. (2022) 2022. “Enterprise Medical Imaging In The Global South: Challenges And Opportunities”. 2022 Ist-Africa Conference (Ist-Africa). South Africa: IST-Africa. doi:10.23919/IST-Africa56635.2022.9845508.
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Zulu, Ernest Obbie, and Lighton Phiri. (2021) 2021. “Enterprise Medical Imaging For Streamlined Radiological Diagnosis In Zambian Public Health Facilities”. Lusaka, Zambia: The University of Zambia. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.11215.61603.
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