Enterprise Medical Imaging in Zambia

The Republic of Zambia, like many countries world-over, is faced with a critical shortage of trained radiologists, medical experts specialised in the interpretation of medical images for radiological diagnosis of health conditions. It was reported that as of 2019, Zambia had only five (5) trained radiologists against a population of 17 million (Bwanga et al., 2019). This project seeks to investigate the challenges resulting from the shortage of radiologists and to investigate the feasibility of implementation of efficient and effective medical imaging workflows using enterprise imaging techniques, in order to demonstrate the potential of enterprise imaging in addressing the grand challenges associated with medical imaging in Zambia.


Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

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Medical Image Analysis

Medical Image Analysis

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Software Tools & Services

Software Tools & Services

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AI-Supported Workflows

AI-Supported Workflows

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